Listed below are all of the medical services that are available in our clinic.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Patients and Clients, we ask you to please be considerate of others safety. If you have any of the symptoms listed below, we ask that you stay home and reschedule your appointment with our clinic.
- Runny nose
- sore throat
- cough
- fever
- difficulty breathing
Call (805) 922-8282 to reschedule your appointment.
Pacientes y clientes, le pedimos que sea considerado con la seguridad de los demás. Si tiene alguno de los síntomas de la lista de abajo, le pedimos que se quede en casa y reprograme su cita con nuestra clínica.
- Fiebre o sensación de fiebre y escalofríos
- Tos
- Dolor de garganta
- Goteo o congestión nasal
- Dolores musculares o del cuerpo
Llame al number (805) 922-8282 para reprogramar su cita.
Dear Valued Patient, Client and Vendor,
Industrial Medical Group of Santa Maria Valley is closely monitoring the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) at a global and local level for all businesses. The safety of our employees, patients, clients and vendors is our top priority. We are following the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and state and local authorities.
We are committed to seamlessly providing the treatment, service and support you depend from us. With this in mind, it's important to note that the WHO, CDC, OSHA and Cal-OSHA have advised that we need to focus on providing our staff, patients, clients and vendors a work environment with limited risk as possible.
What Industrial Medical Group of Santa Maria Valley is Doing:
Our plans are designed to address various threats and vulnerabilities, including a response to the pandemic and high absenteeism. Strategies for responding to a pandemic are embedded within our plan and emergency response methodology. We have detailed plans in place to protect our personnel and limit the spread of disease. We also monitor the CDC and the WHO to ensure our response is following their guidelines.
We believe that by taking these steps, as well as staying informed, we are well prepared to handle potential hazards that may prevent us from serving our patient’s and client’s needs.
If you have further questions, please reach out to our team via phone (805) 922-8282.
Eric Palacios
Chief Operating Officer
An Update for Clients of the Industrial Medical Group of Santa Maria Valley.
The Industrial Medical Group of Santa Maria Valley is considered an essential business. As such IMG is able to
provide services for employers and employees during this rapidly evolving situation.
IMG provides assessment of injured workers. This can avoid a visit to our already impacted Emergency
Departments and in turn can avoid potential inadvertent exposure to those with infectious disease.
IMG will continue to provide regulatory and screening services such as drug screens, breath alcohol testing and
employment screening.
Our staff is working hard to ensure the health and safety of our patients. The waiting room has been altered to
avoid close contact with others. Staff is working to adjust the schedule so that fewer patients are in the building at
the same time. Screening for illness is performed at presentation and individuals with suspected disease are
referred as recommended by public health authorities.
Currently we are operating using normal hours of 7:30 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday. Please do not
hesitate to call our office if there are questions.
IMG is requesting that in the circumstance of concern for a COVID-19 infection that you call our office prior to
presenting so that appropriate arrangements and direction can be made. Due to nationwide shortage IMG does
not have the material to test for this virus at this time.
Thank you to all who support our small business and our clients. IMG will continue to update you as further
information and guidance is provided to us by our public health authorities.
Paul Christensen MD
Medical Director
Industrial Medical Group of Santa Maria Valley

Memorial Day (Monday, May 25, 2020) : CLOSED
Independence Day (Friday, July 3, 2020): CLOSED
Labor Day (Monday, September 7, 2020) CLOSED
Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 26, 2020 & Friday, November 27, 2020) CLOSED
Christmas Eve (Thursday, Dec. 24th, 2020) : CLOSED at 2:00 pm
Christmas Day (Friday, Dec. 25, 2019) : CLOSED
New Year's Eve (Thursday, Dec. 31, 2020) : CLOSED at 2:00 pm
New Year's Day (Friday, January 1, 2021) : CLOSED

Workers' Compensation & Safety Luncheon
Come join us at our Monthly Workers' Compensation and Safety Luncheon!
Next Luncheon
- Date: To Be Determined
- Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
- Location: Round Table Pizza - In the Food Maxx Shopping Center (Broadway & McCoy Street)
- Lunch: Pizza & Salads
- Guest Speaker: To Be Determined
- Topic: To Be Determined
- Round Table Meeting - Your questions and comments matter!
Due to limited seating!
You must RSVP with Eric Palacios at
Treatment of Acute Injuries
Immediate treatment of work-related injuries/illness such as:
- chemical exposures
- lacerations
- fractures
- sprains
- burns
Physical/Post Hire Examination & Evaluation
- Pre-employment and annual examinations
- Commercial Drivers License - DOT Exam
- Return to work evaluations - assessment of employee's physical capacity to safely perform duties
Comprehensive Drug Testing
- 24/7 post accident/incident drug & alcohol testing
- DOT and Non-DOT drug & alcohol testing
- Expanded testing for all drugs of abuse
- Medical Review Officer (MRO) services
- Breath Alcohol Testing with (BAT & EBT) certified staff
- Collection site for urine drug screening
Occupational Health Monitoring
- Cholinesterase testing for pesticide applicators
- HAZMAT physicals with heavy metals testing
- Respirator Mask Fit testing (Qualitative & Quantitative)

Pulmonary Function Testing
Evaluation of the respiratory system including patient history, physical examination, chest x-ray examination and pulmonary function testing.
Diagnostic X-Ray
Our clinic has the technology for rapid diagnosis without any delay.
Electrocardiogram (EKG) Innoculations & Immunizations
Hepatitis A & B, Flu Shots, TB Testing, Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Tetanus

Health and Safety Supervisor Training
In compliance with Federal Highway Administration requiring all driver supervisors take a mandatory controlled substance and alcohol abuse training class.
OSHA 10 and 30 hour Certification Training Classes
Hearing & Vision Screening
Comprehensive vision and audiometric hearing testing in a sound proof booth.

CPR and First Aid Training
In compliance with the American Red Cross, we offer a CPR and First Aid training class (On Site, English and Spanish)

Immigration (INS) Medical Exams / Exámenes Médicos de Inmigración
The examination is required to establish that applicants who are requesting immigration benefits are not inadmissible to the United States on public health grounds.
Se requiere que el examen para establecer que los aspirantes que solicitan beneficios de inmigración no son inadmisibles a los Estados Unidos por motivos de salud pública.
Performed according HHS regulations / Realizado de acuerdo con las regulaciones del HHS
Tuberculosis (TB) screening / Detección de la tuberculosis (TB)
- Skin testing / prueba de la piel
- Quantiferon Gold TB Blood Test / prueba de sangre
- Chest X-ray / radiografía de pecho
Immunizations / Inmunizaciones
- Influenza (Flu) / Influenza (Gripe)
- MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) / MMR (El sarampión, las paperas y la rubéola)
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) / Varicela
- Tdap (Tetanus and Whooping Cough) / El tétanos y la tos ferina
- Hepatitis B / Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis A / Hepatitis A
Physical Examination / Examen físico
- INS Civil Surgeons / Cirujanos Civiles certificados
- Bilingual Staff / personal bilingüe
I-693 form completion by designated civil surgeon / I-693 formulario sera finalizado por el cirujano civil
Form I-693 is used to report results of a medical examination to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Formulario I-693 se utiliza para informar los resultados de un examen médico al Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración (USCIS)